CNI SBSS aims to ensure that approximately 5000 children in age group of six to fourteen years from Dalit and Tribal communities regularly attends school and pursue/completes their elementary education by 2019.
CNI SBSS focuses on institutional delivery, good antenatal and post natal education and care; and maternal nutrition to address the neonatal deaths. CNI SBSS works also on activating and strengthening government health system in rural areas.
The Church- Mission Engagement is the energizing force to integrate the mission agenda of the Church and the rights based approach to be in solidarity with the poor.
They now participate in decision making and have gained respect in the community.
Rural development is commonly a result of Community Development, but in some rare cases such as this Rural development became a cause of Community Development.
CNI SBSS strongly believes that the solution to the issues of livelihood & food security lies in developing and creating assets, building skills of people to effectively use these assets and developing people-centered alternative livelihood options.
CNI SBSS’s intervention focuses on Forest Rights Act and other provisions related to land allotment/ ownership for dalit and tribal communitie; and adopts campaigns as right based intervention to address land issues.
CNI SBSS facilitates campaigns and advocacy programs to highlight the plight of the marginalised communities. Networking with government line departments is carried out to share the grievances of the atrocity victims for proper redressal.
CNI SBSS’s interventions aim to ensure greater participation of women in decision making bodies and people’s institutions; and gives equal importance to intervene with men and women; and thus attempts to cease the patriarchal resistance for gender equality.