Good Nutrition for All
Nutrition for Life: The Role of Good Food
WHO states a healthy diet is crucial for nutrition and good health. It safeguards a person from several chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. At early stages in life, proper nutrition is essential for overall growth and development of children- both for their physical and mental well-being.
CNI SBSS ensures communities get access to basic child health care, antenatal and postnatal education, and care. Our community nutrition programs aim to improve maternal and child health under Government schemes like ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme), and by helping communities develop kitchen gardens to provide nutritious food to families.

Our mission is to work with government and non-government agencies to tackle rural health problems, and ensure that people from the most vulnerable groups get adequate nutrition.
With your help, we can ensure that our rural communities are empowered and healthy.
Check out our COVID-19 relief work here.