‘Swachhata Se Samriddhi’

The Sanitation & Hygiene awareness campaign initiated on 15th October has been taking the message of cleanliness in different parts of the country through Diocesan Board of Social Services. The participants including the community members, church leaders, the young and the old have pledged together for the prosperity of the country through sanitation.  Until now thirty two thousand four hundred and fifty people have pledged to practice and promote Sanitation & Hygiene practices. The 100 days campaign is aimed at reaching sixty nine thousand people by 26th January 2018.



The Pledge

We participants of “Swachhata Se Samriddhi” campaign pledge, for prosperity of our country,

  1. to help stop the spread of diseases by washing our hands with soap or ash
  2. to wash our hands before eating, after defecation, handling children feces, looking after sick people, playing and all other times when our hands look or feel unclean
  3. to not to practice open defecation ourselves
  4. to manage solid and liquid waste generated by us responsibly
  5. to motivate others to participate in “Swachhata Se Samriddhi” by signing this pledge





The participation of those who have pledged is not just limited to their own hygiene alone but also into promoting cleanliness and hygiene practices in their communities. To symbolize this activity, the participants who sign the pledge were given a soap, which they handed over to the next person whom they had convinced on the importance of hygiene and to sign the pledge.

Follow our campaign: https://swachhatasesamriddhi.wordpress.com/

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