Exposure Visit of Office Bearers of CNI SBSS to DBSS field area of Chotanagpur Diocese


Under the leadership of The Rt. Revd. B. B. Baskey, Bishop of Diocese of Chotanagpur, the Diocese organized a successful two day exposure visit for the Office Bearers of CNI SBSS on 3rdand 4th March 2019. Prof. Jayant Agrawal, Hony. Treasurer, CNI Synod coordinated the whole program and provided his valuable time and guidance during the visit.The team visited Churches and Field areas where the social development interventions are going on. They interacted with Church leaders at Ranchi, Kamdara, Soda and community members at Sijang and Chirubeda village.

The visit began with Sunday devotion at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Ranchi, with the English congregation where The Rt. Revd. B.K.Nayak Bishop of Phulbani Diocese and Chairman of CNI SBHS shared the Word of God and in the Hindi worship the Rt. Revd. M.U.Kasab, Bishop of Marathwada Diocese and Chairperson of CNI SBSS shared the Word of God with the congregation.

1The dignitaries were felicitated in a ceremony which was held at SPG Women Primary Teachers Training College, Ranchi . Dr. Mrs. Salish Agrawal, Principal and staff members of the college felicitated Rt. Revd. M.U.Kasab, Bishop of Marathwada and Chairperson of CNI SBSS, the Revd.B.K.Nayak Chairperson of CNI SBHS, the Rt. Revd. B.B. Baskey, Bishop of Diocese of Chotanagpur, Prof. Jayant Agrawal, Hony. Treasurer , CNI Synod , Mr. Suresh C. Jacob , Treasurer CNI SBSS & Hony, Director & Secretary Stewardship Committee , Mr. Soumya R Mohanty , Chief Coordinator  CNI SBSS ,Mr. Joshua C Rathnam , Chief Functionary & Secretary CNI SBHS and Mr. Rohan Diarsa , Head of Finance CNI SBSS and other dignitaries. During this occasion a Cultural program was organized with dance and songs of students of different institutions of diocese of Chotanagpur.

On the second day, the team visited the field area and discussed the struggles which the community faced for receiving forest land from Government under FRA. They also interacted with Forest Protection Committee on benefits of protecting forests. Self Help Group Members shared about their work on collecting NTFP (Non Timber Forest Produce) and selling in the market for a better price. The team visited the Bee Keeping Site which is an alternative livelihood initiative by DBSS. They met the Pastors and Church Leaders on CME (Church Mission Engagement) of Sora CNI Church and discussed on the role of congregation in Mission. They also visited village Chirubeda and appreciated Bal Sabha members for their skit presentations on various social issues like provisions under Right to Education Act, protectingthe environment andsanitation.

During the visit, the Office Bearers of Diocese of Chotanagpur- Revd.Joljas Kujur, Secretary, Revd. Arun Barwa, Treasurer, Revd.Marsalan Guria Vice-President, Mrs. Nutan Baske , President WFCS, Presbyter In-Charge Mr. Rajkumar Nagvanshi, Member Finance committee CNI Synod and Mrs. Smriti Kachhap, Manager SPG Needle School were also present.

On behalf of CNI SBSS, The Rt. Revd.M.U.Kasab, Chairperson of CNI SBSS, Mr. Suresh C. Jacob, Treasurer CNI SBSS thanked Rt. Revd. B.B. Baskey, Bishop of Diocese of Chotanagpur, Prof. Jayant Agrawal, Hony. Treasurer, CNI Synod and Office bearers of Diocese of Chotanagpur for successful program and for their warm hospitality.


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