Adding Value to childhood. YOU CAN SUPPORT IT AS WELL!

Facilitating quality education (SDG 4- Quality Education)

CNI SBSS is identifying the gaps in government run system and creating a mechanism by which the empowered communities demand for the facilities as mentioned under RTE (Right to Education). We are involved in activation of school management committee, conducting meetings with guardians of children and developing IEC for the community to promote sending children to schools. Formation of child cabinets is giving opportunity to children to speak out on issues which impact or matter to them. Workshops are also held to capacitate the local institutions on RTE.  We are also creating awareness in the community for girl child education and no child marriage to reduce dropout rates. Child Clubs are formed to develop extra-curricular skills of the school going children through various activities in sports, physical education, music, art and craft, communication, reading, creative learning and nature experiences. Help parents access Govt. schemes especially targeted for the welfare of girl child. Through national level campaign on education, SMCs were activated as an outcome which has led to better functioning of schools and increased involvement of the community of their children’s good education.

*Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) otherwise known as the Global Goals (17) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda.


2Formation of Child Clubs and Child Cabinets

Child Clubs in the community have been playing an important role in children’s self-development, learning and after school recreation for physical activities. The Clubs are helping children to improve their social and communication skill which is further helping them to perform better in formal schools. The child clubs are also participating in community cultural programs and leading small community initiatives like Children’s Library. Child Clubs through sports and other indoor games are helping children relieve stress and keeping them healthy. At present these clubs are being run by the local village community members with help of the DBSSs.  The Child Clubs have also opened book banks by collecting old/new books through local donations in kind. Sports day were also organized in the community at various DBSS to promote physical fitness of children, which also boosted their confidence and helped in instilling team spirit in them.


Bal Sabhas are also particularly active in DBSS Chotanagpur to bring community children together to meet and discuss about their locality, environment and society. They are sensitized on the issues like importance of education, sanitation practices in daily life and working towards becoming future leaders with good leadership skills.


Formation of Children’s Library and Resource Generation for it

The idea of opening Community Libraries/Children’s Libraries in the villages has set in a new dawn of change which is helping to develop a love for reading books in the communities. Efforts are being made to encourage children, youth, men and women to visit these libraries and engage in quality reading and learning together. The community along with DBSS is making efforts to collect books through local donations and book campaign. The library committees are also learning new skill of maintaining a formal system of library documentation.

For building resources for Children’s library, CNI SBSS conducted an online book donation campaign with PRATHAM (an NGO working for children) in the month of July 2018 for buying new books for children of LDTC (Leadership Development Training Centre), managed by SEDP Amritsar. Many people donated financially for this purpose and we achieved our target of receiving 300 books in Hindi, English and Punjabi. The books have been sent to SEDP and they have distributed them among the LDTCs in various areas.

CNI SBSS is also running a crowd funding campaign on by Give Foundation to raise funds to buy activity supplies like board games, sports equipment, stationery, books, and local musical instruments for the child clubs managed by DBSS Barrackpore and Chotanagpur. CNI has been able to get few supplies through local contributions and donations, but as the number of children is increasing, they require a formal functional space with quality supplies to run their clubs successfully.

As God’s people we need your prayer and support for our on-going online campaign for Child Clubs. You can contribute through this link:  . The Child Clubs are helping children to come together for various activities in sports, physical education, music, art and craft, communication, reading, creative learning and nature experiences, which is helping in their self-development and learning.

If you are a tax-payer, you can contribute towards the Church’s social development initiatives through CNI SBSS and also avail tax benefits prescribed under 80G of Income Tax Act. You can contribute by writing a cheque or by doing a bank transfer. Bank details are given below:

For Indian Donors only:

Beneficiary Name:  CNI-Synodical Board of Social Services

Account Number:  006501000027138

IFSC Code:  IOBA0000065

Name of Bank:  Indian Overseas Bank

You can also send cheques to this address– The Church of North India-Synodical Board of Social Services, 16 Pandit Pant Marg, Second floor, New Delhi-110001.

For further contact, you can write to us at .



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