Social Inclusion

In India, the Dalits and Adivasi are socially excluded due to structural inequality. Social exclusion is prevalent in all most all the field areas of CNI SBSSS, and thus, we have embraced Right Based Approach as a process of enabling and empowering marginalized communities for enjoying their economic, social, cultural and political rights. These rights based approaches have enabled communities not only to be aware of their rights but to develop the necessary confidence to demand that their rights be upheld. CNI SBSS conducts campaigns creating awareness and empowering the communities on the issues like rights to food, land rights, right to water, Indigenous identity and social inclusion.

CNI SBSS facilitates campaigns and advocacy programs to highlight the suffering and plight of the Dalit and Tribal communities. Networking with government line departments is carried out to share the grievances of the victims of atrocities and injustice for proper redressal.


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