Workshop on Education and WASH

The new project “Rebuilding Walls and Rebuilding Lives” focuses on specific issues of deprivation in education, Health and income inequalities faced by dalits and adivasis, while addressing core issues of caste, gender and poverty. The project paved way for new intervention areas in the community such as Education, Sanitation, Health and Water. CNI SBSS saw that it is important that all of them are oriented and trained together for the new phase and also all of them need to be encouraged and informed about the progresses and expectations of the project.


To orient the staff on the new focus areas and capacitate them, CNI SBSS conducted a workshop on Education and WASH for all the DBSS staff from 19th to 22nd July 2016 at Gopalpur, Odisha. Staff of DBSS Amritsar, DBSS Delhi, DBSS Kolkata, DBSS Chotanagpur, DBSS Cuttack, DBSS Sambalpur, DBSS Durgapur, DBSS Barrackpore, DBSS Patna, DBSS Mumbai, DBSS Kolhapur, DBSS Marathwada and DBSS Nagpur participated in the workshop.

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The first day of the workshop focused on orienting the staffs on the new project, its plans and focus areas in detail. The workshop centered on the new focus areas that the DBSS would be looking into in the community.


Two experts Mr. Pravat Sutar from the field of Education and Mr. Debabrata Dash from the field of Water & Sanitation were invited who oriented and trained the staffs for two good days on these aspects.

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The keenness of the staff was visible through there active participation in the workshop. Both the experts unwearyingly answered and capacitated the participants. Last day of the workshop focused on the Management Information System software that is being developed to create a knowledge database on the communities, focus areas and achievements of the project. The software developer presented draft software, which was followed by discussion on the details of information that needs to be added.


Later on the staffs were made to enter information in the software as a dry run of the software. The suggestions and queries regarding the software have been communicated to the Software developer to make further changes and amendments.


The four days workshop gave enough space and time to all the SBSS and DBSS staff to discuss issues, plans, programs with each other and develop annual plan for each DBSS. The devotion time in the beginning of all the days gave us an opportunity to hear from God’s word and pray together for the progress of our work and our efforts.


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