Conflict Transformation Workshop

CNI SBSS had initiated the process of working on a Collective Youth Program along with the Local Capacity for Peace Project’s South Asian network partners (comprising of NGOs from South Asia) with the goal: “To build a counter- culture of cooperation and cohesive communities through youth activities”. Youth from each DBSS will be trained and engaged in different capacities in the peace building process in their own communities and will be nurtured to become peace builders.  CNI SBSS believes that the youth can play an important role in bringing about positive change and can be good leaders. Youth needs encouragement and positive affirmation to move forward in life.

IMG_1517Keeping the goal of the Collective Youth Program in mind, 25 youths were trained on Conflict Transformation from 27th – 29th January 2016 at Gopalpur, Orissa by Youth mentors, Mrs. Asang Jamir and Mr. Suvabrota Das. The youth were capacitated on understanding conflicts and related case stories were shared through different activities. To understand and analyze conflicts, the participants were introduced to tools like conflict mapping, concept of divider & connector and Pyramid- Level of action. The participants were given opportunities to practice these tools in groups. They were also given tasks to work on certain case stories using these tools. The experiences shared by the participants after their practical sessions and presentation proved that  Collective Youth Program is heading in the right direction by capacitating and guiding the youths to the peace builders in the society.


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