“Hamaare Bacche, Hamara School”

CNI-SBSS, along with DBSS and with the conceptual support of Development Links (Development Links (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.) launched a campaign- “Hamaare Bacche, Hamara School” from 5th September to 14 November 2018. The campaign will further strengthen the government’s vision to increase parent’s involvement in improving performance of government schools.

This campaign will take messages related to school management committees and parent’s role in development of schools to more than fifty thousand people across six states (West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhad, Maharasthra, Punjab and Delhi) of India. Twelve DBSS (Diocesan Board of Social Services) across six states will partner with CNI-SBSS for implementation of this campaign. It is expected that around ten thousand children going to schools in these areas will be impacted by this process.


The campaign appreciates the work being done by school authorities, education departments including parents and work being done by existing school management committees in relation to their respective school. The Campaign will initiate with appreciating and sharing this work with larger community in respective habitations. Campaign will then help teachers, parents as well as school management committees to further explore their role in improving performance of schools in their area. The campaign will help in bringing the SMC, parents and children at one platform where they will discuss on how they can make their school better. This will eventually lead to development of a good ‘school development plan’ for their village schools. The campaign also aims to build a sense of ownership and responsibility among the parents to build a safe and ideal school environment for their children.

The following activities are planned to be held during the campaign period-

  • Launch event with Meeting with community members to create awareness on SMC and Felicitation of SMC members on 5th Sept. 2018
  • Consultation meetings and workshop with SMC, teachers and community will be held and plans for improving the schools will be developed
  • Rally, Distribution of Pamphlets, Wall Writing(Slogans on SMCs) will be done, Slogans such as
  • “Desh Mein Shiksha Par Ho Zor, Ab Har Baalak Ko Ho Padne Ki Hor”
  • “Committee Mein Ham, School Hamara, Jiski Nigrani Ka Utardayitv Abhi Hamara”
  • Cleaning, beautification and repair of school will be done by community and SMC through SHRAMDAN
  • Closing Ceremony will be held on 14th November 2018

Some glimpses form the launch events:


DBSS Barrackpore


DBSS Chotanagpur


DBSS Kolhapur


NDDA, Nagpur


DBSS Nasik


DBSS Phulbani


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