
Eroding means of livelihood and hardships involved in securing food have risen phenomenally in the recent past. CNI SBSS strongly believes that the solution to these problems lies in developing and creating assets and building skills of people to effectively use these assets. CNI SBSS develops people-centered alternative livelihood options for communities. These options are developed together with communities based on their local realities, strengths and assets. For example, Lac Cultivation, Bee Keeping and marketing institutions are promoted in Jharkhand; Pisciculture and Black Pepper farming in West Bengal, Skill building workshops are conducted to impart knowledge on sustainable agriculture, organic farming and other alternative occupation. Such skill building is followed up with provision for initial finance and support to develop their business organization.

CNI SBSS also focuses on effective implementation of following Social Security Schemes of government of India: MGNREGA, Pension Schemes, Housing Schemes and Food Security Schemes. This intervention focuses on helping community to understand these schemes and assisting them in completing formalities for accessing the benefits.

As a result of all the above mentioned interventions, CNI SBSS expects an increase of 50% in the annual income of 1300 Dalits and Tribal households by 2019.

Learn more about our work in livelihood here:

Program Report 2014 – 2017

Success Stories:


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